Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition Review: 29 Ratings, Pros and Cons
Date: (Last saved review: ) - Review: CommentChoisir.fr
Check all the 29 reviews find on Video Games Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition, with the 23 ratings, comments, pros & cons from the reviewers.
Theses reviews and tests from Video Games magazines and websites give 23 ratings, we get this average rating to this Xenoblade product : 4.4/5.
Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition review :
With an average rating of 4.4/5, you can buy Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition with your eyes closed (or almost). The opinions of the testers seem unanimous !
NDA on Reviews ? Please note that 24 reviews were published the same day 18/03/2025.
Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition ratings
Source: https://www.commentChoisir.fr
10/10 Nintendo Life | 9.7/10 Nintendoros | 9.2/10 Nintendo-Town | 9.06/10 Le Bêta-Testeur |
9/10 ActuGaming | 9/10 GameReactor | 9/10 Shacknews | 9/10 Press Start |
9/10 Well Played | 9/10 Vandal | 9/10 Areajugones | 9/10 GamesVillage |
9/10 3RD Strike | 88/100 Nintendúo | 86/100 Games.ch | 8.6/10 VideoChums |
85/100 COGconnected | 8.5/10 Beyond Gaming | 4/5 EuroGamer.fr | 4/5 Vooks |
8/10 Checkpoint Gaming | 8/10 GameOver | 8/10 GamingBolt |
For Video Games, ratings are sometimes different depending on the platform. Please refer to the good review...
Pros and cons for Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition List of reviews and ratings
To better compare, we looked for you the advantages and disadvantages of Below and the notes given by specialized sites.

New characters and content are weaved expertly into the narrative
On-foot action sings, Skell combat is next-level excellence
Map design and worldbuilding with side quests is top-notch
New tweaks and adjustments to mechanics make an all-timer even better

Traveling in a Skell remains a pleasure.
Many improvements and new substantial content.
Some missions are not at the same level as others.
The multiplayer mode remains somewhat limited.

Les personnages bien mieux modélisés et expressifs
Des cinématiques magnifiques
Un World Building toujours incroyable en 2025
Plutôt solide en TV et en portable
Toujours le gameplay le plus riche de la série
Le plaisir de piloter et voler sur les Skells
Les nombreuses options de confort
Une meilleure lisibilité
La durée de vie gigantesque
La feature multijoueur pour prolonger le plaisir
Une écriture bien plus humaine et mature
Un lore très riche et le bonus post-game inédit
Des personnages jouables inédits
La bande sonore par Hiroyuki Sawano
Choix du doublage japonais ou anglais
Le meilleur open world de la Switch !
Quelques rares problèmes de framerate
Les personnages encore un peu raides
Toujours un grand bordel dû à sa grande richesse
Il faudra mériter son Skell? (Long à avoir)
Des explications expédiées
Un découpage du scénario maladroit
Une histoire qu?il faudra reconstituer avec les annexes
La foire aux annexes Fedex
Il y aura toujours des musiques qu?on aimera moins

A tactical and deep combat system
The new complete story adds value to the original plot.
Many game improvements
Demanding progression and sometimes slow quests
Many repetitive quests
The soundtrack has its ups and downs.
[9.06/10] reviewed at 18/03/2025 - TEST ? Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition [read the full review on Le Bêta-Testeur]
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.

fewer subsystems to twist and complicate the experience. Quality of life improvements.

Creatures of every shape and size to fight or evade
Emphasis on exploration over combat makes progression interesting
Unlocking Skells feels like an incredible breakthrough
Classes and skill unlocks allow a lot of variety in battle
One of the best soundtracks of the series
Solid array of QoL updates to UI that make it easier to navigate
Unlocking a Skell is dozens of hours into the game
A significant portion of the recruitable party are annoying
Too much gear. Equipping your party is boring and tedious

Mountains of engaging progression
Complex and strategically satisfying combat
Everything around Skells is brilliant
Mira looks better than ever on the Switch
Inconsistent difficulty curve

Mira is an incredible world to explore
Smart refinements to combat gameplay and game progression
Looks and runs fantastic on the Switch
New content and remixed music are a treat
A bit of wonky enemy targeting at times
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.

The design of the world of Mira is quite a spectacle.
In terms of remastering, it includes many very remarkable improvements.
Many epic battles and memorable moments
The great difficulty can be overwhelming.

Articulated and customizable combat system
Important additional content
Improved revision of the map and interface
Occasional frame rate drops
Slow and didactic narrative
Graphic updates are not always consistent.
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.

Graphic design of stylistic beauty
Adjustment of the team alignment much more comfortable
Creative monster design
Significantly modernized HUD
Enhanced menu structure with slightly increased comfort
Real-time tactically influenced combat system, dynamically staged.
Even more extensive cosmetic customization options
Excellent soundtrack and very good actors (both English and Japanese!)
Almost lossless automatic backup system for progress.
High solo playtime (60 to 100 hours and more)
Quite a lot of grinding required
Despite some improvements, it seems technically outdated.

Nice enhancements and graphical update
Party management is welcomely streamlined
Not a massive upgrade over the original
Necessary grinding makes it feel dated

Addictive gameplay loop
Great writing, compelling plot
Combat still floaty
So many systems to monitor
reviewed at 21/03/2025 - Test Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition Video ? Best Of The Bunch [read the full review on COGconnected]

Fun combat system with many possibilities.
Hours of gaming pleasure
New narrative and gameplay elements compared to the original.
The story and character development do not seem to be the central focus of the game.
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.

Still a great game 10 years later
Quicker load times and great QoL additions
Grinding still almost a necessity
Tutorials are still very bad

Satisfying combat and class system
Quality-of-life improvements
Visual upgrades and amazing score
Great for the handheld format
Menu navigation remains clunky
Pop-in and other performance issues

A plethora of changes and improvements that significantly transform our experience for the better.
Additions of characters, Skells, regions, and missions.
The new chapter of the title connects the title to the past and previous history of the series...
Unfair difficulty spikes at random points in exploration and combat are part of a malicious core gameplay.
A significant delay in the development of the storyline and in the way the game provides the necessary tools to progress.

a solid, good science fiction story
looks great in portable mode
almost across the board improvements over the Wii U version.
the music is... not the best
the combat and quest design feels a little basic compared to later games in the series.
Strategic & snappy combat
Smart quality of life improvements
Side missions shine
Main story is a bit of a snooze fest
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.
Chapter 13 is a treat for fans of the series.
She is aging well, in fact very well, over the years.
It remains a beautifully complex and scattered role-playing game.
They did not balance the underperforming classes.
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